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We have great news for you:
"Treatment of growing patients with aligners from the RNO perspective."
19th January from 12:00 to 14:00
*Limited spots.
"What will be covered in Dr. Palma's Webinar?"
In this webinar, Dr. Palma will address treatments from primary dentition to permanent dentition with the aim of resolving malocclusion and guiding growth from the perspective and treatment with aligners
Orthodontists who focus on their work from the perspective of functional rehabilitation understand that issues such as anterior collapse of bites, crossbites, inverted bites, and severe Class II cases tend to worsen over time. Therefore, it is crucial to address them in their early stages.
In this webinar, Dr. Palma will delve into the treatment of malocclusions from primary dentition to permanent dentition, aiming to correct them and guide growth from the perspective of neuro-occlusal rehabilitation, using Invisalign and Angel Aligners.

Do you want to know more about our courses?
Introducing the Advanced Biomechanics Intensive 4-day Course for Adult cases in Milan, in English. It will last from the 13th to the 16th of March, 2024.
Topics such as micro and macromechanics in the 3 planes of the space (micromovements, crowding and diastema cases, transversal, vertical discrepancies and sagittal discrepancies) are the areas included to enable you to become an expert.
Being part of our community comes with benefits:
Enter the drawing for a fully free spot in a course by Dr. Susana Palma.
🍀 Good luck!