Treatment planning service (TPS)

With this service we will take charge of everything. We will plan the case and Dr. Victor Guerrero (Orthodontist from Dr. Palma´s team) will make as many 3D cases’ revisions as necessary with the technician until the treatment plan is finally ready to be approved. The full service provide unlimited number of 3D treatment plans until the case is finally approved. Additional Aligners will not be included in this service.

Dear Colleagues , Treatment planning is the key for any treatment success. This treatment success is going to be determined by four aspects: Predictability, staging of movements, communication with the technician, and the differential anchorage to do the movements.

- Predictability; It is very important to know what kind of movements are going to be more predictable with your treatments, avoiding those which can create maladjustment and tracking problems in our aligners. Knowing what attachments we should place in order to implement the predictability, and analysing the force vectors in the case will help you obtain the same results in your patients that you see in your 3Ds cases.

Staging of movements; As orthodontics we are used to checking the initial and final position of our malocclusions but with aligners the important thing is to check the way every tooth gets from its initial to its final position. Choosing the right combination of movements can provide us with more predictable treatments. That is the importance of knowing how aligners works. We must know, what movements can be done simultaneously, which ones we should sequence in order to avoid losing differential anchorage and which ones we should be asking the technician to do in a reciprocal way to make them more effective. In this way we will be able to make the treatments shorter, reducing the number of additional aligners and achieving better results.
It is therefore essential to know how the technique works, identifying which movements the software performs without any problem simultaneously, which movements we must nevertheless sequence or we will have mismatches in our aligners and which other movements we must encourage the technician to perform reciprocally to increase their predictability.

Communication with the technician; Once we know what do we want to do and how, the next step is how to communicate effectively with the technician so that we don’t lose days and days checking the 3Ds cases until we achieve our goals.

Another very important side of the treatment, is to know if we have enough differential anchorage to carry out our goals and in which cases we will need to use additional techniques such as TAD, locatellies, power arm etc , choosing the ones more appropriate for each case. In other cases, we will use these auxiliary techniques to shorten the treatments. The treatment planning service we offer, will not only help you save time and lessen work, (by giving shorter and more efficient treatments), but also help you build confidence in the technique, enabling you to increase the number of aligner treatments you can carry out in your practice. It has been proven that doctors who grow in confidence with the technique will experience an increase in the number of patients they treat in their practices with aligners brands and we work with the doctors who chose us to build this necessary confidence.

I-COMPREHENSIVE; With this service we will take charge of everything. We will plan the case and Dr. Victor Guerrero (Orthodontist from Dr. Palma´s team) will make as many 3D cases’ revisions as necessary with the technician until the treatment plan is finally ready to be approved. The full service provide unlimited number of 3D treatment plans until the case is finally approved. Additional Aligners will not be included in this service.

Guarantee the success of the treatment and achieve the pre-established objectives.

200,00 €

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